It’s Not the Job of Politicians to Keep You Safe


“But what does it mean, the plague?
It’s life, that’s all.”

― Albert Camus, The Plague

It’s not the job of politicians to keep you safe.

The petty tyrants that supposedly “represent” us along with the stooges in charge of our failing institutions are criminally incompetent. They have been for a long time.

Their loyalty lies elsewhere. They’ve been bought and paid for a long time ago. So don’t go on blindly chaining yourself to their hunches and commands. It could be deadly. It could end in servitude. Forever.

And don’t go on chastising or demeaning those who might be skeptical of these powers. Don’t be a sheep and regurgitate what you saw on CNN or Fox News. Don’t be one of those people who rat on their neighbors for being in their front yards or who are not adhering to the totalitarian restrictions passed down to us from the same people who’ve been lying from day 1.

As James Corbett wrote today: “People imagine that when the boots-on-the-ground tyranny arrives, it will be enforced by the police or the military. Newsflash: the boots-on-the-ground tyranny is here, and it is being enforced by your neighbors, Joe Sixpack and Jane Soccermom.”

Make it a point to sift through the rampant propaganda that’s being perpetuated every single day.

Understand that with every great crisis lies underlying objectives. These type of global and national crises are manufactured to serve the interests of nefarious players.

9/11, Iraq War, and the crash of 2008 are prime examples. History is littered with endless more.

As one lucid, well-informed writer, Caitlin Johnstone, Tweeted recently:

“The 1st draft of the Patriot Act was rolled out a week after 9/11. Does anyone really believe they gathered all the necessary information and wrote hundreds of pages in one week from scratch? Does anyone believe there aren’t pre-planned authoritarian agendas being rolled out now?”

The great consolidation of even greater wealth and power is happening right before our very eyes.

It’s up to you to keep vigilant and immensely aware of your surroundings.

As the great H.L. Mencken reminded us, “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.”

The totalitarian restrictions, the lockdowns, the vast money printing, and the corporate bailouts are here to stay. There’s nothing more fukin’ permanent than a temporary government program, historically speaking. And the Bill of Rights will continue to take a beaten.

And the people will be OK with the further erosion of their freedoms because it’ll be sold to them under the banner of safety and the “common good.”

Be mindful, shed your politics, turn off cable news, get your vitamin D, bask in nature, and choose for yourself to do the safe and efficient things for you and your community.

The healthier you are, the harder it is for a virus to kill you. The more rebellious you are in thought, the harder it’ll be to corral you into the herd-minded nonsense we’re seeing all around us.

Be safe. Stay free. And remember: “Bogus fears can produce real servitude.”

Quarantine Blues


It’s springtime in the south and the world outside my house is closed for business. Billions of people are on lockdown.

An unforeseen pandemic has brought the modern world to its unscarred knees. Our freedoms and the busyness of our lives have been postponed until further notice.

Such a precarious situation we all find ourselves in today. Such a tragedy for so many of us in this already crazy world. And it will likely get worse before it gets better.

We live in the age of information, or better yet, the age of conflicting information; or even better, the age of misinformation.

In spite of a lot of babbling from social media philosophers and so-called “public officials”, no one really seems to know what the fuck is going on.

Most are completely clueless on how to deal with such a grave problem that so many people were unprepared for. Even governments. Even you. Continue reading

24 Brief Pieces of Advice for High School Graduates

1. Staying out of debt & learning a trade is more advantageous than obtaining a college degree in most cases.

2. Travel and learn a little about the world you live in before the University attempts to shape your worldview.

3. Start a blog and write often. Even if no one reads it.

4. Be creative. Create something every day. As Nietzsche understood, “Art is the supreme task and the truly metaphysical activity in this life.”

5. Invest money as early as you can. Find a low-cost Index Fund and throw at least 10% of what you earn in it. No matter what. The earlier the better.

6. Never have a car payment. Ever.

7. Read. Read often. Read the greats. Start with the great works of Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, Carl Jung, Joseph Campbell, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, and Steinbeck.

8. Speak precisely, never exaggerate.

9. Do the things you’re most uncomfortable doing.

10. Don’t workout to look good. Workout to be strong. Focus on the main lifts — Squats, Deadlift, and Press.

11. Sprinting is more beneficial than jogging.

12. Eat meats, fats, fruits, nuts, and greens. Leave everything else alone.

13. Only put out quality content on Social Media. Or don’t have an account.

14. Merely showing up on time and being polite puts you ahead of the curve.

15. Surround yourself with respectable people who are smarter than you.

16. No job is “beneath” you. No matter your skill level or education.

17. Travel to places that scare you.

18. Learn to embrace solitude. Learn to be by yourself often.

19. The integrity of the individual is the most important thing in the world. Be self-aware, know yourself, know what you’re about, and don’t succumb to the herd-mentality.

20. To be alive is to suffer. Life’s hard, tragic and beautiful at the same time. Embrace the suffering, and never run from what you must deal with. Great humans are born out of suffering.

21. No one cares what you do as much as you think they do.

22. Take full responsibility for your life. If you fail to do this you’ll live out your days full of resentment which will inevitably lead to a very bad place.

23. Always move. Move far. Move hard. Move in the direction of your dreams. Or around the block. Just move everyday.

24. Spend your money on experiences rather than on things. Own very little. Excessive “stuff” weighs you down, causes you to become stagnant, weak, and chained up. As the L.A. poet, Charles Bukowski, recognized, “the less I needed the better I felt.”

Voting is Useless, Surprise, Surprise

A recent Princeton study supports my unconventional belief in the uselessness of voting in today’s rigged political system. They’ve concluded that the “American public actually have little influence over the policies our government adopts.” They go on to show that “policymaking is dominated by powerful business organizations and a small number of affluent Americans (elite class)”, which is exactly what Tocqueville predicted over a century ago. It’s worth checking out.

Today’s article in The Telegraph touched on this study and informed those who haven’t recognized what is in plain sight, “The US government does not represent the interests of the majority of the country’s citizens, but is instead ruled by those of the rich and powerful.” The article went on to say that “Researchers concluded that US government policies rarely align with the the preferences of the majority of Americans, but do favour special interests and lobbying organisations: ‘When a majority of citizens disagrees with economic elites and/or with organised interests, they generally lose. Moreover, because of the strong status quo bias built into the US political system, even when fairly large majorities of Americans favour policy change, they generally do not get it.'”

So what should we conclude?

America is a Corporatocracy ruled by sociopaths and self-serving dunces, all under the guise of democracy. And the people, befuddled in a reality show haze, will keep showing up at election time to put that little check in the box for the candidate that has lied to them the most. Maybe this time, they naively think, maybe this time, it will change.

This type of bizarre behavior reminds me of the words of  H. L Mencken, “Democracy is the worship of jackals by the jackasses.”

The system is broke not because of who is in office. It’s broken because the state is rooted in violence and functions through coercion and exploitation. The entire system must be abolished not reformed.

If we want to change the tide in this country, if we want to stop the senseless murders overseas with our money and in our name, if we want to stop the devaluation of our hard-earned money, stop the ravaging of our freedoms, stop politicians raping our bank accounts, if we want to stop the insane national debt that is sure to enslave our kids…


I believe this is the only way. (Click here)